As leaders and especially those of us that consider ourselves young leaders, we are dreamers.
Some of us more than others, but I’ve yet to meet a good leader that was satisfied with the status quo and was willing to leave an average thing alone. I’ve certainly never talked to a leader that was willing to leave something that was broken alone.
Sure, sometimes we have to let things lie for a period of time to guard resources, people, and vision, but we have to always be looking for what’s ahead.
Sometimes, in those moments of looking at something that’s broken or stagnant, the temptation can be just to kill it off and start with something new. Many times, that’s the best way. It allows for a new energy that comes from birthing something new and it gives us a chance to form it rather than deal with the fallout that often comes from trying to reform something.
Sometimes, though, we don’t need to kill what’s broken. Sometimes we just need to Redream it.
Is it going like you first dreamed? No. Is it still a good idea? Yes.
Be willing to redream. No matter who’s idea it was, no matter how bad of shape its in…. Redream
For us young leaders, sometimes by 30 we’ve had the life sucked out of us because we don’t feel like we’ve had a chance to live some of the dreams and vision God’s put in us….
Redreaming means we start with the original idea but we allow our minds to wonder on the details, the look, the place, the passion, the nuts and bolts, and the big picture. We don’t kill the vision, we retool it.
We get new life into it.
You’d be amazed at what new energy comes to you and the people you lead when you begin to Redream and renew.
Do you need to kill it? Maybe. Do you need to Redream it? Try it.