Have you ever sat in a poorly organized worship service?
We all have at one time or another. We have all felt the sense of awkwardness when there is a lack of preparation.
If awkward worship moments ares all too common at your church, I want to make you aware of a special free online training event which will help you build the best worship services possible. A few thoughts first however.
Every worship service has components (the opener, the worship set, the offering time, the sermon, the invitation or communion time…etc) and every worship service has moments (the small transitions that happen between each of those components).
But, most of us spend the bulk of our time preparing for the components of the service and we completely neglect the moments. The result?
Thirty minutes before the service begins everyone is thrown into a panic when someone asks, “are we underscoring the welcome time?” Or, “who is doing the call-to-worship today?” Or, even worse, nobody asks anything and awkwardness ensues as the service starts.
Not focusing on and planning for these pivotal moments in our services can give the impression we are not prepared.
So, what do you do? B.U.I.L.D. a great service! Here’s what we mean:
B. Bring Your Team Together
U. Unite around a common, shared vision
I. Invest in your team both as a group, and individually
L. Learn constantly so you can always be improving
D. Deliver the service in excellence
What does it look like to implement each of those tasks?