2. What Are You Reacting Against?
Many a church planter has a bad PH balance in his soul. You’ve probably met them—guys in their 20s and 30s who are reacting against their megachurch leading, boomer pastor dads. Such reactivity makes their work acidic, dripping with the “I’ll show so-and-so” attitude that may doom their work. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself what you’re reacting against? What way of doing church, or denomination, or leadership style, or theology are you determined to avoid? Do you want to lead a house church on its merits, or because you just hate how “corporate” church has become? Is ancient/future worship your preference because you’re listening to the leading of the Spirit or because you heard about it through a podcast?
Church planter, don’t be reactive. All things are yours in Christ (1 Corinthians 3:21). Take the best, leave the rest and don’t succumb to the pressure to form opinions on other church’s methods or leaders.