Last night I walked out of the room shaking my head.
God, I don’t know how you pulled this off, but this team is simply amazing.
Unified. Visionary. Encouraging. Fun. Passionate. Gifted. Transparent. Gracious. These are just a few of the words I’d use to describe the people who faithfully serve on CCV’s Leadership Team.
Your church may use a different name—Leadership Council, Governing Board, etc.—we simply use the phrase “Leadership Team” to describe the group of people called to serve the function of what the Bible calls “elders.”
Whatever you call them, my prayer is your group is as gifted and passionate as the volunteer servant leaders I have the privilege of serving alongside. I tell senior pastors that I coach that every church ought to know the joy of being led well.
Since these kinds of things rarely happen by accident, I’d like to share with you 10 reasons why I think this team is such a special group.
- I’m not the smartest person in the room.
- I’m not the best leader in the room.
- I’m not the most committed Christian in the room.
- I’m not the oldest person in the room.
- Everyone knows how to humbly submit to each other.
- Nobody is afraid to speak the truth, in love.
- When they ask me to jump, I might stop to ask, “How high?”
- We have each other’s backs.
- We hold our tongues in meetings and only speak to something when we are 100 percent sure we have something of value to add. I speak fewer words in those meetings than anyone in the room.
- We tremble at the realization that God is actually leading His local church here in Philly through us, and therefore are sober-minded in our task.
I’m sure the same thing could be said about your Leadership Team. If not, how these leaders act and serve would be good things to emulate.
What are other qualities you’d add to the list to make an amazing Leadership Team?