In my experience in the business world and church, it seems we are desperate for good leadership. Organizations and teams thrive on good leadership. Yet, I’ve seen some leaders make excuses for not leading well. As much as we need good leaders, it seems whenever I meet a leader struggling in their role, rather than admit it could be them, often I only hear leadership excuses. It must be easier to pass blame than to own the problem as our own.
In full disclosure, I’ve probably been as guilty as anyone at times in my leadership career. These leadership excuses, however, are fairly common.
7 Leadership Excuses I’ve heard – or Used
1. I don’t know how.
With each new season in leadership there will be a learning curve. If you’re leading, then your introducing change – you’re taking people somewhere they haven’t been before. This means there will be lots of unknowns in your world for a while. But, don’t use this as an excuse. Learn. Take a course. Get a mentor. Read some books. Ask better questions. Grow as a leader.
2. I can’t get people to follow my lead.
Well, we may have to check our leadership definition, but don’t give up. If God has called you to this – discover how to motivate people. Most people will follow someone if you’re taking them somewhere they need to go, but aren’t sure how to get there.
Make sure you have a vision worth following, learn to communicate well and do all you can to help people attain it. In terms of communicating well – I often tell pastors – you’re best “sermon” may be the one you give to motivate people towards the change or vision. Early in my leadership career I participated in an organization called Toastmasters to help train as a communicator.