Do you know your neighbor? Most people in the U.S. do not. And those that do rarely move beyond names and a simple wave from the driveway. In my hemisphere fall is upon us, with winter to follow. The days grow shorter and colder, and even the neighborly waves grow fewer in number.
As you have heard me state before, the fall, winter, and spring months offer some great opportunities to know your neighbor via community parties. But these are not just any parties. Oh, no! These are parties with a Kingdom purpose!
October, November, December, January, February, March, and April provide holidays that allow for fun, relationship-building, and gospel witness-through-casual-and-relaxed contexts.
All you need is a willingness to host a monthly meeting, a story-teller able to tell the tale of how the holiday connects with the Christian faith (October and January are exceptions), a willingness to pray, and a watchful eye for what the Spirit will do.
Two years ago, I posted a video on my YouTube Channel describing the process and what my family and I did. If you are interested, check it out.
October has begun. We must act now if we want to be strategic and take full advantage of the forthcoming calendar opportunities to know your neighbor and make a kingdom connection.
Know Your Neighbor – 7 Opportunities
This video addresses a simple and fun way to use holidays to share the gospel.
This article about how to know your neighbor originally appeared here, and is used by permission.