I’ve spent the last six months in a season of transition between careers. And it’s okay. I’m not panicking. (To clarify: I was starting to panic a little, but I got over it.) On a financial level, I’ve been sustained in this season partly because of the Wealthy Affiliate community, both in terms of affiliate commissions and the principles I keep learning and applying to my marketing. But on an even bigger and more important level, this happens to be a community in which people tend to support one another outrageously. I’ve been a church leader for my entire adult life and wish I could see churches exhibiting the kind of supportive energy I see here. There is tremendous power when we believe in people and tell them so.
Believe in People!
My wife keeps telling me she believes in me. Old bosses do, too. And people I barely know who reach out about opportunities for which they see me as a good fit. That all humbles me because I feel pretty undeserving. But it also fuels me.
And the reason the faith others express in me moves me so deeply is that I struggle to believe in myself. And you might, too.
Two steps to believe in people:
First, when you believe in people, and tell them about it. It might just lift their spirits and shape them toward success.
Second, and perhaps more importantly, believe in yourself. You DO have what it takes to pull out ahead and be successful. And the more you believe in YOU, the more you will accomplish.
Now, time to go take my own advice . . .
This article on the the power that comes when we believe in people appeared here and here, and is used by permission.