But how should a Christian be politically active? There are three dynamics to keep in mind abot being politically active (and here, I am writing with my American audience in mind, but it’s easily transferable.):
1. When it comes to being politically active, you are first and foremost a Christ follower.
If you are a Christ follower, you are not primarily a Republican nor a Democrat. Not first and foremost. You are a Christ follower first and a Republican or Democrat second—a distant second.
For some of you this is a relief because you feel politically homeless—you don’t identify with either party. Maybe you’re theologically conservative but socially compassionate. Maybe you feel too conservative for the progressives but too progressive for the conservatives. Maybe you care about the sanctity of life, but you’re also concerned for global warming.
It’s easy to feel torn as a Christ follower. In fact, you should feel torn.
Because your allegiance is to Jesus, not a platform. Your ultimate citizenship is not to America, much less to an American party. Your ultimate citizenship is in heaven. And as a follower of Jesus, you’re going to find that on some issues one party has it right and on other issues the other party has it right. On a third issue, both parties may have it wrong.