3. Leadership is about relationships:
John Maxwell once said that leadership is influence. Nothing more, nothing less. I take this quote to mean leadership is all about the relationships you build, nurture, and cultivate. Without relationships, you cannot lead.
Make sure you’re building relationships with those on your team. Find out their hobbies, relationship status, family names, and more.
The more you get to know your people, the easier it will be to lead them.
4. Leadership is rewarding:
Last but not least, leadership is rewarding. Despite the challenges and responsibilities, you will be rewarded as a leader.
The rewards may not be monetary, but there are rewards.
You will be rewarded with a sense of a job well done. You will be rewarded with some of the best relationships you’ve ever had. You’ll be rewarded, often, monetarily.
Keep leading even when it doesn’t feel rewarding. You’ll reap what you sowed in your position one day. Keep at it.
Never Forget these leadership lessons
Never forget these reminders. You will be better off when you keep these in mind. More importantly, the people you lead will be better off.
Remember, leadership is about the people you lead. Leadership is a privilege. Leadership is challenging yet rewarding.
Keep leading well.
This article on leadership lessons originally appeared here, and is used by permission.