I learned years ago something that has been helpful to me in leading for change. Beginning something new doesn’t mean you have to have the finished, perfectly polished product in place when you begin.
Start with what you know today. Dream something new, invent it now, and then you can tweak and make it better later.
“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin.” (Zechariah 4:10)
This has huge ramifications for us as leaders. We often wait to begin something until we think we have all the answers, but often we just need to begin something.
Invent Now – Head somewhere new today.
Pray about it, of course. Certainly, make sure it is a God-honoring direction. I’m not suggesting you aimlessly head in a thousand new directions. That never works. I am suggesting you at least head in one good (as far as you know today) direction – even without all the answers – before you have the final destination figured out completely.
Something I learned in church revitalization, for example, is sometimes the church or organization isn’t dying. Often decline is not your greatest problem.
Sometimes we simply need to do something different – start something new, invent now. We often need a fresh dose of innovation.
Start today heading in a new direction. Then tweak as you need to until you get where you’re going.
This article on the need to invent now originally appeared here, and is used by permission. Check out Ron’s leadership podcast where we discuss leadership nuggetsin a practical way. Plus, check out the other Lifeway Leadership Podcasts.