3 Good leaders want a healthy organizational culture.
Culture is a force that trumps vision and strategy combined. It’s incredibly powerful. And good leaders understand that their primary area of responsibility is culture creation. This explains why so many leaders strive to be more emotionally intelligent and aware of their own personal growth.
Effective leaders have an understanding that they are a lid for the people they lead. Stagnant leaders never lead stagnant teams.
4. Good leaders want the best for the people they lead.
People need to do more than survive. And I believe they even need more than “success.” People need to make a significant difference in their world, so a leader’s heart is to equip, empower, and release people to do significant things.
The greatest leaders I know have always seen leadership as relational rather than transactional. Rather than separating the personal from the professional, those with great motives for leading are willing to care for the people they lead and to be interested in their good and their growth.
This article on a motives for leading origionally appeaed here, and is used by permission.