Change with Progression –
Progression is actually a form a change, but it’s the easy one. Everything changes. People get older. Buildings wear out over time. That’s a change. Ignoring this kind of change is an impossibility. Progression happens whether we want it to or not.
It is one thing to let things progress naturally over time and it is another to make intentional changes for the good of the organization. Letting things progress is easy. Making intentional change, even when resistance is heavy, is the hard work of leadership, but a necessary part if we want to continue to grow and remain healthy.
Promise with Principle –
A promise means it’s going to happen as promised. A principle means this will generally work as stated, under normal conditions, provided the described conditions are met.
The danger is living as if a principle is a promise. It will make you very disappointed when conditions weren’t in place for the principle to perform like a promise. (I promise. In principle.)
(Side note: We also confuse these last two words in our relationship with God sometimes. – “train up a child in the way he should go” for a classic example. In those cases, we have to ask if God promised it or if He provided a principle.)
Add to this post. Can you think of any other words leaders often get confused?
This article on words leaders often get confused rinially appeared here, and is used by permission.
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