As a fourth generation Baptist of the Southern Tribe, I have kept up with my denomination’s stats over the years. Conversion growth has not been trending in a good direction for a long time.
Yesterday, numbers were released on the latest study. While baptisms have increased, overall decline may be found throughout the denomination. The latest data are reflective of 2022 findings.
Conversion Growth and Church Plants
Churches average 5 baptisms.
43% of churches experienced no baptisms.
Churches in the South (5) had a slightly higher average of baptisms than those in the Northeast (4), Midwest (4), and West (4).
Churches founded from 2000-2021 averaged 6 baptisms; Churches founded from 1950-1999 averaged 6 baptisms; Churches founded 1900-1949 averaged 5 baptisms. Such reporting pushes against a longstanding tradition that goes back to the early 1990s stating younger churches baptize more than older churches. While averages are different than raw total numbers, this study counters much of what we have reported for decades regarding church planting. Averages provide a different denominational perspective. This is the first study I have seen comparing younger and older churches (with baptism averages) and showing no real differences.