And all six of these “missional killers” are exactly why we created the Verge 2014 Conference:
1. To give you in-depth and cutting-edge discipleship resources and training.
2. To give you practical, gospel-centered, missional training and resources.
3. To not just give you a vision for a missional movement, but also provide simple, transferable practices.
4. To give you the help you need to create gospel-centered communities of grace.
5. To provide ongoing missional training and equipping for everyday life and leadership.
6. To pull together a tribe of what Alan Hirsch calls “The Fellowship of the Freaks”—i.e., like-minded, gospel-centered, missional practitioners who desperately need encouragement and accountability.
There are so many benefits to being a part of Verge 2014 Conference, and many of them are listed on the Conference website.
Oh yeah, don’t forget this:
December 4 is the LAST DAY to get the Early Rate! Register now and save $50 off the Regular Rate.
Click here to find out more and to register: