The word wait in the Bible has many meanings, including to hope and to expect. In Isaiah 40:31, it says,
But those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
The entire English phrase “Those who wait upon” (or “Those who wait for”) is translated from one word: vekovye (????????). This word finds its root in Hebrew qavah.
If you look up the Strong’s entry for this word, we see this:
1. to wait, look for, hope, expect
2. (Qal) waiting (participle)
3. (Piel)
i. to wait or look eagerly for
ii. to lie in wait for
iii. to wait for, linger for
In Old Testament Hebrew thought, to wait was an active phrase, not a passive one. To wait on something was not to sit around and hope it will happen to you, but to actively pursue—a bit like a waiter presenting the options on a menu.
One of my favorite songs has a line in that says, “You are working in our waiting,” and this is what I hold onto everyday. I hold to the fact that me praying for each of these children changes something. That somehow me interceding on their behalf alters the path that their life could have taken.
That even if this child isn’t “our” child, they can still have incredible parents who know God and will love this child more than anything and that somehow this will bring breakthrough and redemption to the lives of all involved. I pray that each one of them will come to know God as their Heavenly Father. For me, it’s my way to be an active participant in the waiting.
I think God called me to this journey not only because He wants to redeem and restore all I have lost but also because he wants to teach me how to wait well and so that I can pray for each of these children. We have applied for 10 cases so far, and every day I think and pray for each of those children. I have their names written down in my journal, and I know that God knows each one of them.
I’m choosing to trust and believe that He is “working in our waiting.” To believe that He has a bigger plan than my own and that it’s all working together for his bigger or better plan. I already love this child and have hopes and dreams for them. They are already “ours” and have been ordained by God to be in our family. God knew before the beginning of time that this child would be our child.
I believe that one day we will get “the call” and we will bring home “our” child—what an amazing day that will be! But while I wait, I will pray; and while I pray, I will think of each of the children God has chosen for us to cross paths with and for our little one wherever they may be.