5. Does the church serve? Are the same people doing all of the work? Are there clear pathways unto service? Does the church give sacrificially? Does the church embrace the opportunity to give themselves and their resources away for gospel advancement?
6. Does the church practice discipline? I am here speaking of Mt. 18. But I am not so much talking about how many people may have had their membership revoked but whether or not there is a climate for admonishment and gospel correction in the church.
7. Do leaders speak with humility? I am often amazed at how the Apostle Paul was so transparent but yet also did not draw undue attention onto himself. Many leaders today have it backwards. They draw too much attention to themselves while they lack the humility that comes from the gospel. Leaders in a gospel-shaped church will have the Pauline accent—they will be joyfully humble.
8. Does the church pray? Sounds like a no-brainer, right? Well, you would be amazed to know that many churches do not prioritize prayer, but rather they assume it. I don’t have any data, maybe Ed Stetzer and the Lifeway guys can help, but I’m guessing that church-wide prayer meetings do not dominate the calendar of dead and dying churches.
9. Do they sing like they believe the gospel? Look around on Sunday morning. Do the men sing? Is the singing at church loud? I tend to think that if the gospel is true, that even the most macho of dudes will sing loudly and passionately when they are gripped by it. Grace makes people sing. It always has and it always will. If you have a bunch of muppets in the congregation then there needs to be a little more gospel-tonic in the pulpit.
10. Are leaders (particularly elders) encouraged? Ministry is hard work. It takes its toll. The writer of Hebrews understood this and correlated pastoral joy with members’ submission (Heb. 13.17). When the gospel is gripping a church, pastors are encouraged. Why? Because the chief desire of their soul (the glory of Christ) is winning in the midst of people they dearly love.
These are not the only 10 questions to ask, but they are ones that I am asking of our church. I want to be busy with the work of ongoing revitalization that God might be pleased to bless this ministry for years beyond my lifetime.