The Bible is not a weapon and yet Christians are known for sometimes using the Bible as a weapon. Christians tend to eat their own. Because when we have a vague half-formed awareness of the Bible, it becomes a shoddy justification to feed our bloodlust for self-righteousness. We naturally default to using the Bible as a weapon instead of a mirror for our own repentance.
Then really we have only traded the idol of violence for the idol of religion, and there has been no true surgical transplant by the love of Christ. At that point, we’re only doing Christianese things around God but not with Him or for Him. It’s like a soldier turning to his fellow man and stabbing him with a bayonet while pledging allegiance to the general.
This soldier might be many things—religious, moral, effective, gifted—but he is most certainly not a Christian. The Christian is in the business of healing his brother and sister, because he knows Jesus died for them too.
It’s worth celebrating when we get it right and encouraging our family toward better. It’s a wonderful thing when we stand side by side in the battle as brothers ready to die for each other. A church is my shoulder against yours, Jesus at the helm.