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If you’re exploring the world of church planting, you’ve probably realized calling is a big deal. Because church planting is difficult, it’s important to know that the God of the universe has called you to do it.
But calling can be a tricky business, can’t it?
I was in my dorm room the first time I sensed a call to reach lost people, but it was 1:30 in the morning, so I didn’t think much about it. Besides, the only form of ministry I’d ever seen involved dingy fellowship halls and out of touch sermons—not a very compelling picture to a 19-year-old college football player.
Fast-forward a few years, after a summer workout, a thought hit me that coaching football was a great way to marry my burden for the lost with something that involved more Dri-FIT than flannelgraph. However, two years into my dream coaching job, all I wanted to do was listen to sermons and read blogs about church planting. I couldn’t shake the sense that I was created to do something else. I found myself caring more about our team chapel service than the conference championship. What was happening to me? I didn’t know so clearly at the time, but God was calling me to be a church planter.
Do you find an increasing burden for your lost neighbors and co-workers? Is your passion for serving the church increasing? Do you enjoy it when preachers yell at you for 45 minutes? Are you passionate about teaching God’s word?
Maybe God is calling you to plant a church (or maybe you just ate a bad taco).
Our team at the Summit Network spends a lot of time helping men discern their calling, so we’ve developed an e-book to help as you prayerfully consider if God is calling you specifically to the role of lead church planter.
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The Summit Network is a partnership of churches that share one vision of planting 1,000 churches in our generation. Through training, coaching, support and funding, we aim to equip pastors to steward their gifts to plant healthy, thriving churches.
If you sense God is leading you to church planting, I’d love to connect further and be a resource through the process. Fill out the interest form to learn about next steps.