Free Video Download: “God’s Love”
As a church planter, one of the most important messages you want to share is the unconditional, radical love of God in Jesus Christ. Video is a powerful medium through which we can convey this life-changing message. Open Network has made this high-quality free video download available.
Here’s what Open Network shares about this video:
God sees what we do in the darkness. He knows our shame. And He still runs straight toward us.
This short video contains the powerful message that God’s love is so radical that it seems too good to be true. On our own we can try to be good enough, but short-term happiness fades and we often return to the darkness that ends up being an empty promise. Reminding us that we can’t do anything to earn God’s favor, this brief but impactful piece inspires us to accept God’s persistent, gracious and everlasting love.
Find video and audio-only versions of this resource below.
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Resource provided by Open Network
Download Instructions: Follow the directions provided by Open Network at their website.