4. Don’t be so focused on what you are doing that you don’t look up every once in a while. Jesus could have missed Zacchaeus because of the crowd. He paused and looked up. Do you do that? “Who is new in your church? Why are they here? Could this be the person you’ve been praying for to fill a gap in your team?” You’ll never see them unless you look up.
5. Do your homework. Jesus had him at “Zacchaeus.” We love it when somebody who shouldn’t knows our name. Be that person. If possible, study the list. Read the roster. Surprise them. The simple act of knowing their name may be the opening that sets them on a path to their destiny.
6. Don’t be afraid to issue an invitation and challenge right away. Jesus didn’t wait until Zacchaeus had been to the Newcomers/Membership Class and proven his faithfulness. He invited Zacchaeus to spend the afternoon with him. “And by the way, let’s throw a party at your house.”
7. Don’t be surprised when the old guard gets their undies in a bunch. They are upset that Zacchaeus doesn’t pass the background check. When you take a risk with a promising but raw new leader, some people on your team won’t understand. Be respectful, but sometimes you’ve got to follow your gut.
8. Don’t underestimate the transforming power of food. Jesus invited Zacchaeus to join Him in a meal, not a Bible study. Food is disarming, socially inviting and encourages meaningful conversation. Build food into your team building budget. (Better yet, recruit short, rich crooks. They can pay their own way.)
9. People are more likely to respond to grace than rules. Zacchaeus knew the rules. He was more than willing to follow them when extended grace. When you build a culture of grace, you’ll have less to fight about.
10. When salvation comes to the whole household, the potential for multiplication is staggering. I look at my own family as an example. Because someone didn’t overlook the leadership potential in my “short little crook” grandfather, there is a “household” of Surratts reproducing Kingdom life all over the planet.