Purpose is one of the most difficult non-tangibles to grasp, especially if you are a woman. And for women in ministry, the journey to accepting it, acknowledging it and stepping into it can be difficult. The enemy used my fear, insecurity and self-doubt to cloud my vision for ministry to women. I could not see past my negative emotions. Often, our purpose is drawn out and lived out, hiding in the busyness of our day and lives. Sometimes we can only see it in the rearview mirror, and other times we see it far off in the distance
As I did that, His purpose became a little bit clearer. It started to burn in my soul and it spurred me to action.
It was my relationship with Jesus that revealed my purpose; it was trust in Jesus that helped me accept my purpose; and it was faith in Jesus that made me step into my purpose.
The enemy is out to diminish any impact you will have when you step into your purpose. He wants to stop you in your tracks. And if you are not certain what God says about you and what God is trying to say to you, then you can be stopped. But if you are rock solid on who God made you and why He made you, you are an unstoppable force for God.
If you know that God has brought you into this world for a purpose, then knowing what your purpose is isn’t as important as knowing you have one. In other words, it is more important to know you have a purpose than it is to know precisely what that purpose is.
God assures every woman that she has a purpose. His purpose is good. His purpose is tailor-made for you and woven into the fabric of your life to be lived out by you and enjoyed by God.
Do you ever feel like you don’t deserve to have a purpose because of your sin? Has your sin defined you in your mind? If you think your sin cancels out your purpose, all you have to do is read the Bible to find out that it does not! The Bible is full of women who sinned and still lived out the purpose God put inside of them.
The very first woman to grace this planet was made with a purpose. Even though Eve sinned, she continued on with her purpose until the day she took her last breath. She lived with the consequences of her sin all while living out her purpose.