None of us is entirely sure where we stand in the COVID crisis, but we’ve been dealing with it long enough now that we can make some reflections. Here are some leadership traits I’ve seen in pastors leading their churches in this season:
- Creativity. Many pastors have come up with new ways to connect with their people, lead them, and train them from a position of isolation.
- Collaboration. Like I’ve never seen in decades of ministry, pastors are working together, encouraging each other, and praying for one another.
- Care. Many pastors I know have spent hours upon hours checking on the most vulnerable of their church family.
- Connection. Beyond their care for the most vulnerable, pastors with great leadership traits have given energy to connecting with all their church members during these unusual days.
- Conviction. These pastors still believe that Jesus is the only answer, and they’re trusting the sovereign hand of God to help them proclaim that message.
- Caution. Pastors with great leadership traits are regathering with their congregations (or looking forward to it) but they’re being careful and wise in their planning.
- Clarity. It’s hard today to be a church with many siloed ministries and little overall direction. Pastors have led with clarity to keep their congregations focused on the task.
- Christlike humility. I realize this one doesn’t follow my pattern exactly, but it’s probably the one I’ve most seen. Pastors have been forced by the situation to lead differently and preach differently. Many have also been pushed to consider the idols of their hearts related to ministry. My experience is that they’ve come through this situation humbled but excited, careful but zealous, wondering but trusting. I thank God for each of them.
This article originally appeared here, and is used by permission.