I’m a one tripper. Now, before you start asking what the psychologist has prescribed for me, let me explain to you what a one tripper is. A one tripper is someone who is determined to get everything in one trip. For instance, when packing the car for a trip or returning from being out of town, I want to get the luggage without making multiple trips between the car and the house. When I go grocery shopping, I want to get it all in one trip. When I get home and begin to unload the car that has the groceries in it, I want to get all the bags and water and sodas in one trip.
The thing about one trippers is that they’re willing to go to great lengths in order to accomplish their very important mission. I’ve balanced things one top of other things, used my teeth to carry light bags, packed multiple bags into semi full bags, and even kicked stuff (paper towels mainly) to the door. Some may look at this and think I’m crazy. Others reading this know exactly what I’m talking about because you are a one tripper or you know someone who is.
We aren’t made to be a one tripper in life, or in how we lead.
We aren’t made to carry it all at once. A scripture comes to mind when I think about this concept…
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:
In other words, just because the road ahead of you seems long, don’t feel like you have to do it all at one time.
Just because you have great vision from God for your church, business, family, non profit, or classroom, doesn’t mean you have to accomplish it all right away.
You don’t have to do it all by yourself. We are made for community. We’re made to “bear each other’s burdens.” (Galatians 6:2)
You see, when I bring those groceries home and my wife and son are with me, they help out. I don’t have to do it alone. I can split the duty and the burden. I still often get it in one trip, but I’m not doing it by myself. Too many leaders and Mom and Dads and pastors are trying to bear the entire burden by themselves. Share the burden. That’s one of the big reasons God created us for community. Those people you live with, work with, minister with, those are the people that can help you carry what would cause you to fall over. They’re the people that will help you bear what would cause you to buckle by yourself.
Don’t be a one tripper in life or leadership. Sure, carry the load, but don’t do it at once and don’t do it alone. Ask for help. Be help.
This article originally appeared here, and is used by permission.