2. Listen:
You have a still, small voice within you. He’s speaking to you and trying to make you understand what has happened.
Hear what this voice has to say. Then listen.
3. Decide what to do:
You’re going to have to decide what to do. You may put away this author’s books or realize that you can still learn from this leader. Whatever you do, you have to take the following steps.
Read the book, or set it aside. Delete the conference talk, or watch it and learn.
Your decision will be up to you. You will have to figure out if it is right or wrong. Then you have to decide your next steps.
Leaders Will Fail
All leaders will fail at some point. They will tell a lie (no matter how big or small), make a wrong decision, or do something worse. These are all failures of leadership.
Knowing that leaders will fail, we all have a decision to make. We get to choose whether or not we continue to listen to the input they have shared with the world.
Some leaders it will be okay to continue to have them pour into your life. Others, you will have to cut out of your life.
Pray, listen, and decide what your steps will be when a leader fails.