If we can say we value something but don’t have anything holding us to it, we will stray.
Find accountability for your values. Have people around you hold you to your word. If you value what you say you do, the accountability you have to others will hold you to it.
2. Check your actions:
In her Forbes article, Svetlana Whitener says we should interrogate ourselves when performing any activity. This is a great suggestion and something that works well.
When we begin to ask ourselves why we’re doing what we do, we can understand whether or not our actions are aligning with our values. You will quickly see if your actions speak what you believe.
Keep an eye on your actions. They will show you what you value. For example, if you say you value family time, but you spend every waking moment away from your family, do you really value them? On the other hand, if you say you value your faith and you have rearranged your schedule to be in church regularly, then your actions align with your values.
3. Talk about your organizational values:
This tip coincides with the first way of having accountability. You can’t have accountability if you don’t talk about your values. However, this one goes further than that.
Talking about your values changes things. Scott Colby at Happier Human agrees. He’s seen fitness clients that have struggled to lose weight and stay on a fitness plan until they began talking about their newfound values with their friends. In doing so, they stopped their unhealthy eating and lifestyle habits.