When something goes wrong with an electronic device, what is the first thing an I.T. expert will suggest? Unplug it, then plug it back in again.
It’s not that way with non-computerized electrical items like a lamp, toaster, or fan, so why does it work that way with “smart” devices?
It’s one of the great ideas from the early days of computer design. They were programmed so that when you power up a device, the first thing it does is run a thorough diagnosis of all its essential functions, then it fixes itself.
Yes, it fixes itself!
So do we.
God designed us to do the same thing, long before computer programmers came along. We regularly need to unplug, disconnect, and lay low. Then, when we re-enter the world of work, we have a greater ability to fix ourselves.
Unplug – Resting Is Not A Weakness
In the lingo of the computer programmer, rest is not a bug, it’s a feature. Too many of us treat recovery time like it’s a flaw to overcome, a weakness to defeat, or a sin to avoid.
It’s none of those.
God rested. And he commanded that we follow his example.
Most of us are exhausted from constant thought and activity, sleeping less than we should, praying less than we’d like, and living inside a digital space for more hours than is healthy. This makes us incapable of the honest self-evaluation required to assess our needs, let alone be a blessing to others.
As Anne Lamott said, “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.”
So, I’m taking Anne’s advice. And my own. And, mostly, God’s. I’m unplugging for a while.