Have you ever felt crystal clarity about who you are and your mission in life, only to completely lose that clarity to murky confusion? I call these moments “losing my groundedness.” Unfortunately, it happens more than I would like to admit.
Since planting the Durango Vineyard Church 11 years ago, one of our favorite phrases in our family to describe this season has been “high highs and low lows”. The highs are great, but the lows have been very difficult for me to deal with. Recently, through the help of a counselor, I have started to find a way through these dark times. Allow me to share my journey towards groundedness with you.
Groundedness – How to Steward Your Identity
Many things can cause us to lose our groundedness. The enemy (1 Peter 5:8) would like nothing more than to accuse us and help us to lose our connection with our divine calling. For me, comparing my successes to other churches or failing in my goals quickly gets me off track. My answer to this negativity started in an unlikely place – stewardship. Typically we think of this phrase in terms of money, time, or resources. But I am actually talking about the greatest commodity that God has given you – stewarding who you are.
God has made you with a unique thumbprint that shows itself in your gifts, perspectives, background, location, ethnicity, gender, skills, and relationships. Think about the unique combination of all of these factors that has helped you to become who you are!
The best way to live effectively and joyfully is to live in your sweet spot, letting go of others’ expectations and comparisons. Living this way embraces being a “mere” human – limited and not “omni”-anything. It requires faith to believe that “who you are” is exactly what the world needs.