#1 – Cool or Called?
In other words…are you going to plant a church “there” because it is the cool place…or because you honestly feel a genuine call from God to go there?
#2 – Problems or Potential?
Are you going to begin your church plant by declaring the problems that other churches have…OR the potential that you believe that your church has?
#3 – Vacation or Vision?
Do you think your church plant is going to be easy…that people are automatically going to buy into your vision…that you will receive zero resistance? If so…you’re in for a HUGE wake up call. Planting a church is not a vacation but rather something that initiated from God through a white hot vision that allows a leader to roll up his sleeves and do whatever it takes to make something happen! (If you aren’t willing to work…church planting isn’t for you!)
#4 – Imitation or Revelation?
Do you want to do what you are about to do because you saw it done somewhere else and thought it would be really cool to do…OR because you know without a doubt that you have heard the voice of God and feel like you might explode if you don’t do what He’s calling you to?