Perry Noble: Let me be very clear … a church that has “the victim” mentality simply is in trouble.
15 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me
Perry Noble shares the 15 things you need to know as a new church planter.
13 Things I Would Tell Church Planters
Perry Noble offers excellent advice to any potential, new, or seasoned church planter.
Perry Noble: One of the Most Powerful Leadership Principles I've Ever Learned
It's easy to become consumed with your personal growth and development, but that's not really what it's all about.
Don't Assume Unbelievers Are Uninterested in Learning About God
Inviting someone to church can be uncomfortable and risky, but don't say "no" for them.
The One Thing That Holds Most Leaders Back
Perry Noble says, as a leader, if you can overcome this obstacle, you can do just about anything (plus his favorite leadership books).