At times momentum can be an illusive goal. It seems to come when least expected, and dissipates when we feel it should be present. In the church world, it seems even more illusive.
I’ve found there are four vital pillars that must be in place in order to hold any momentum that begins or maintained.
Mission is the “What” your church should be doing. In the Bible, we would recognize this is our commission or the great commandment: “Go and make followers of all people.”
No matter where you are, that is your mission. Don’t let any “method” drive or steer your mission. The mission must drive the method.
What’s the vehicle that will drive the mission. Again this may seem a little elementary, but the simple things are the ones that seem to end up being ignored or forgotten, and the latest get big quick plan becomes the flavor of the year.
The Mechanism we have to accomplish our mission is the Church. The church is the only vehicle ordained by God to carry out and grow the Kingdom. And the church has three parts:
- Me (The individual)
- We (The circle or group)
- Us (The Congregation)
All of these are the church, and must be fully engaged in order for any momentum to take place.
This takes, on-ramps and predetermined measurable steps. It’s not just a matter of getting people into the Kingdom, they have to be helped, enrougaged, and empowered to move from one level of maturity to the next.
This process of movement will differ from church to church, but every church must have a process and the process must be measurable to ensure people are moving in maturity and becoming more like Jesus.
What doesn’t reproduce will eventually become extinct! The multiplication factor must be apart and it”s the main hub of momentum. When the (3) parts of the church… Me, We & Us begin to grow and multiply. Momentum, lasting, earth shaking and hell robbing momentum occurs!
And when a church has momentum in growing the Kingdom, it’s an incredible force!
Is there another one you would add?
This article was originally published on ChurchPlanting.com.