Create a simple survey with the following questions. Give the survey and a pen to everyone who attends one weekend, and take time during the service to fill out the survey out together.
A Simple Survey for the Marks of a Disciple
As a growing disciple of Jesus, I … (circle all that apply)
- Serve my local church generously with my time, talent and resources.
- Pray consistently.
- Read my Bible almost every day.
- Engage regularly in a biblical community (small group).
- Actively participate in missional outreach.
- Develop other disciples.
The first time you take the survey serves as a baseline for discipleship. Use the results to celebrate where the congregation is strong and to focus on helping them grow in areas where they are weak.
Choose one area that seems to be weak across the board and focus for the next quarter on growing in that area as a church. Retake the survey every three months to measure the marks of a disciple in your own life.
This article on the marks of a disciple originally appeared here, and is used by permission.