You get the sense that some studies are just fun for those doing them. Either because they know they are on to something, or it’s a groundbreaker. I think this study was both. The Pew Research Center (a favorite of mine) decided to categorize Americans by religion. But not by denomination or church. They did it by religious type.
Here’s how they did it:
I love it.
Instead of going with Catholics or Baptists, Methodists or Muslims, they went straight for the spiritual jugular. Pew sought out what people actually believe and how they actually behave.
Religious Type — Brilliant. Let’s digest.
Which Religious Type Are You?
Sunday Stalwarts are the most religious group. They actively practice their faith and are deeply involved in their religious organizations. Rumor has it they also eat at Chick-fil-A. God-and-Country Believers are less active, but hold many traditional religious beliefs and tilt right on social and political issues. You might meet one in Alabama. The Diversely Devout? In large part they reflect racial and ethnic minorities, and those who say they believe not only in God but also in psychics, reincarnation and spiritual energy located in physical things. They probably also watch Oprah.
On the other side of the scale are the Solidly Secular who are the least religious of the seven types. They are affluent, highly educated, white, male and believe in… well, nothing. They also all live in San Francisco. Okay, I just made that up but…