In his new book, David Platt, author of the New York Times bestselling book Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream, contends that multitudes of people around the world culturally think they are Christians yet biblically are not followers of Christ.
Scores of men, women, and children have been told that becoming a follower of Jesus simply involves believing certain truths or saying certain words. As a result, churches today are filled with people who believe they are Christians . . . but aren’t.
I recently sat down with David to ask him a few questions about some of his controversial statements.
An Interview with David Platt
The call to follow Jesus is not simply an invitation to pray a prayer; it’s a summons to lose your life—and to find new life in him. Follow Me will show you what such life actually looks like.
I highly recommend Follow Me. Its message calls us to a heightened awareness and corresponding sense of responsibility while depositing in us gifts of grace, truth and empowerment. God’s power surrounds His purpose: To reveal Himself to the world as His Church obeys His call to go and make disciples.
More About David
In addition to being a best selling author David and his wife Heather pastor The Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, Alabama. For more about David and how you can purchase Follow Me, click here.
Charlie Carroll is the Lead Pastor at theNorthGate, Dayton Ohio and can be found blogging about whole living at In addition to his responsibilities at the Church and for his blog, Charlie serves as a content editor for and Outreach Media Group. Learn more »