Several times a month, a church planter emails and says, “I’m about a to plant a church. What advice would you give?”
Here is how I answered that question yesterday:
1. Love Jesus more than anything else. And from the overflow of His love, you will grow in your capacity to love your wife, children, congregation and those who have yet to receive the love of Christ.
2. Trust God to do ridiculous things through your ministry. If your vision does not scare you and the people you lead, why bother?
3. Cast a vision that causes people to say, “If I don’t join this movement or give to it financially, I’m missing out!”
4. Don’t underestimate the importance of being organized! Systems and processes matter! People don’t follow disorder and chaos.
5. Surround yourself with leaders smarter and more gifted than you are. You will only soar as high as the leaders that surround you.
I pray this advice helps as you journey with Jesus on the great adventure of church planting!
Marinate on that.