If you watch any amount of TV, you’ve probably seen the Domino’s ad that talks about how failure is an option within their company. The other day, the commercial came on and I couldn’t help but think about how simplistically brilliant that statement is for a company that works with food. For a company that tries to be innovative with something that has been around for hundreds of years.
If you haven’t seen the ad, here it is (click here if you can’t see the video in your rss feed).
Making failure an option gives us all a chance to …
1. Take risks.
2. Make mistakes.
3. Be bold.
4. Dream big.
5. Step out.
6. Mess up without fear of it being fatal.
7. Innovate.
8. Do things differently.
9. Break social norms.
10. Be excellent.
Those are just a few things I can think of.
What would you add to that list? What do you think of the policy that “failure is an option”?