When was the last time you took team members from your church to visit another church? Whether it’s across town or across the country, a well-planned trip to visit another church can make an impact on your team like nothing else. Here are some reasons I think you should “get outta here!” and visit another church!
How (and Why) to Take Your Team to Visit Another Church
1. Conference speakers oversimplify.
I coach and speak at conferences, and I’m confessing that everyone who speaks in those contexts makes it sound way easier than it actually is. The reality is that leading a growing, thriving church is a lot of hard work. Church leadership conferences present a sanitized and safe version of what it’s like to lead. When you see a church on a “normal” Sunday, it breeds hope because everything won’t be as perfect as when they host the leadership conference. An average weekend at a thriving church is what your team needs to benchmark against.
2. New contexts give you new insight.
To visit another church gives you insights into what it’s like to lead at home. Sometimes this isn’t even at the church. Just “getting out of Dodge” can help your team gain fresh insights on new directions for your church.
3. Peer relationship.
Leading in a local church can be a lonely task at times. It’s true that relationships are at the core of what we do, but often we’re building relationships with people whom we need something from, such as donors or volunteers. It’s a strange dynamic. Church leaders need peer relationships with people who serve in similar roles. Having someone to call when you face an issue could be the factor that accelerates your leadership. A person to talk with when you’re bummed about something at your church could help you keep pushing through until breakthrough.
4. Life goes on at home.
A few years ago, our leadership team had the privilege of visiting one of the fastest growing churches in the country. It was a great weekend of visiting campuses and interacting with inspiring leaders … but if I was honest, I was a little nervous about what would happen with all us of gone.It turned out to be a smooth weekend and everything went off without a hitch! Going away means handing off tasks to other people, forcing staff to prepare their teams and release the ministry. It also shows them that the ministry is larger than they are.