When you know precisely what you want to accomplish and how your goals seem realistic, it’s easier to achieve objectives like 10 pounds lost, debt eliminated, and a new career when they’re concrete. Specifics provide a reference point and instruct you on what to do next. It’s a journey that will last a lifetime—and then some. It’s not something you should expect to happen immediately. So, set any anxiety or guilt aside and commit to making modest progress each day, week, and month. I was feeling stuck in a rut spiritually. I had been growing in my faith, talking and walking with God, but then I stopped maturing. After trying these steps to draw closer to God through prayer, I noticed an improvement in my relationship with God.
What if there was a simple way to draw closer to God? What if it only took three steps? Would you try it? I did, and now I want to share what worked for me and pray they work for you. First, you begin by getting into prayer mode.
Get Into Prayer Mode
A big part of my spiritual walk is prayer, and I found that many times when I was starting to feel distant from God, I wasn’t tuning in to prayer. So I sat down one day and created a schedule to pray twice a day – Once in the morning and once in the evening.
When I sit down to pray, it’s usually just God and me. I ask Him for forgiveness for whatever troubles me or has bothered me throughout the day. And at night before bed, I thank Him for all of the blessings He’s given me during the day and thank Him for making me feel closer to Him than ever before.
My goal with this schedule was to spend at least 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes before bed talking to God. I wanted to make sure I had a connection with Him each day, no matter how busy I was. This schedule truly helped me feel closer to God, and I hope it does the same for you. Try it out for a week or so, and see how much more connected you feel with God!
Now that you’re in prayer mode, next, eliminate all distractions, including electronic distractions.
Eliminate Electronic Distractions
I also recommend turning off any digital devices that might disturb or distract you from the prayer. Try to find a place where you can be alone and uninterrupted, even for a short while. It’s not about being perfect, but it is about making an effort.
If you can’t find a place to pray, don’t worry about it. I was tempted to make it easier for you by listing some great spots to find solitude in, but the truth is that you can pray anywhere: your bedroom, church, bathroom (no one will judge), or even while walking the dog!
You can pray anywhere and anytime that you feel led to. Some ideas are listed below.
If you’re having a hard time following or concentrating on what you’re saying, don’t worry about it! You may find yourself repeating the same general prayer over and over because your thoughts are all over the place. That’s okay. It’s not about being perfect! Just keep at it until you feel a sense of peace or hear God’s voice encouraging you to continue.
You’re in prayer mode and eliminate all distractions, including electronic distractions. Next, give thanks in advance for the little things that will happen on this day.
Give Thanks in Advance for the Little Things That Will Happen on This Day
Every day when you wake up, say a short prayer. It doesn’t have to be anything too complex or lengthy. Just remember and thank God for the day that he gave you of life. Then ask Him what He would like you to do with your life today. Make it personal by mentioning specifics of things He has done for you.
And when it comes time to fall asleep, say another prayer. Thank God again for the blessing of a new day, and ask Him if there is anything that he would like you to do tomorrow. If you woke up with any problems or concerns, pray about them and ask God how to handle them.
Try to read a chapter from the Bible each day. It doesn’t have to be in chronological order or necessarily anything extensive. Just try to get into it and understand what you are reading, even if that means rereading some parts over again. If possible, make sure that the section of the Bible that you chose relates somehow to what you are going through that day.
For instance, if you recently learned about a significant mistake your friend made, read the story of David and Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11-12). This will help remind you that we all make mistakes, even though God still loves us.
Write down any thoughts and questions during your devotional time. This will benefit you in the long run. If an idea or question comes to your head, write it down and ask God about it later that day. By doing this, you are helping yourself get closer to God by staying in a constant conversation with him.