Can your plant embrace what God has uniquely given you to do?
Who Is the Unknown Large Donor in Your Church?
Do you have a large donor in your church? Or as some call them, a “high capacity” giver? I’d say, “Yes, you absolutely do.” It’s you. It’s the church leadership. The church leadership has the responsibility of stewarding well whatever resources God has brought to the local church. And if you steward well and maximize…
Can Your Ministry Leadership Handle a Few “Dings?”
“Sudden braking…quick acceleration…distracted driving…high speeds.” These are all areas I’ve been “dinged on” in the past weeks using my insurance’s app for monitoring safe driving. Theoretically, by using it and showing my insurance company how good a driver I am, I will receive a discount. But the app’s feedback is quite humbling. What if we…
Beware the Powerful Pull of Ministry Magic
Ministry magic is looking to woo people. Ministry is rarely that. And one or two magical moments may woo you into believing it’s something you can repeat.
Does the Sunday Hustle Mean You’re Working on the Sabbath?
Sunday hustle or sabbath? Are these mutually exclusive? It feels like it. Church leaders every Sunday (weekend) hustle hard to make your ministry excellent (or sometimes, just “covered”) and when the day is done, they can see the fruit of their work, but they never sniffed at having a sabbath.
You Can Coax Volunteers, but You Probably Won’t Keep Them!
Recruiting volunteers is difficult work. But I think recruitment can be eased with a little work on the front end by the recruiters.