The pandemic has deeply modified how we are connecting with people. The irony is that technology has made a difficult situation easier . . . in some ways.
Can You Disagree AND Still Get Along?
There is nothing inherently wrong with disagreeing, after all, God made us each unique, but we can disagree and get along. We can’t elevate every disagreement to the level of heresy.
Microsoft Teams Deserves a Look
If you use Office 365 you have access to an incredibly powerful tool called Microsoft Teams. Odds are you’ve had access for a while and just didn’t know it.
Technology: Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should
I’m fascinated as I watch folks using technology across the social spectrum. I see folks at the airport fumbling with getting their boarding pass on their phone, I see folks at the checkout line trying to use Apple Pay, I see folks at the gas station trying to get the pump to accept their payment…
Does Your Church Plant Need Cyber Liability Insurance?
Many churches, ministries, and non-profits are starting to wrestle with the need for any kind of cyber liability insurance. This is a good thing to wrestle with and often generates more questions than answers. To be clear, I’m a tech guy, not a lawyer or an insurance representative but I am often asked about the…
Church Management Software Relationship Status? It’s Complicated
What is it that makes Church Management Software (ChMS) such a complex issue in churches? A lot of the complication comes from within a church or ministry.