Building volunteer teams to accomplish the mission of God in the local church can feel like a challenge. For some of us, recruiting people to specific tasks is just downright hard. Yet, serving is a way for us to worship God through our time and talents and it’s a powerful part of discipleship.
Joshua Pickett
About Joshua Pickett
Joshua Pickett and his wife Laurie have been on a journey of discovery, joy, and pain as they have leaned into following Jesus. They are regular folks who have been captured by God’s heart. Their goal in life is to learn how to love God with all they are and then to give that away to anyone who will receive it. Joshua is on staff at the Vineyard Church in Duluth, MN. He is currently finishing up his BA in biblical studies and hopes to go on to graduate school and work on a MAT. He loves hanging out with his wife, CrossFit, and you can usually find him on his day off cooking up a big pot of some seriously good food.