Healthy churches are a powerful and attractive witness. In a recent article, I described six kinds of members who build up the church. Unfortunately, even in a healthy church, not every member pursues unity. What kind of members wound our witness? What kind of members do not build up the body of Christ? Consider these four types…
church membership
6 Types of Members that Help Build Healthy Local Churches
Every local church is comprised of a diverse group of people who have been radically transformed by the power of God through the person and work of Jesus Christ. These diverse people have no reason to live and work together, let alone care for each other—and yet, they choose to live in love and unity…
Is it Time to Rethink Church Membership?
Is it time to re-think what church membership really is and what it isn’t? Does it have the value it supposedly once had?
Revolving Church Door Syndrome, and How To Beat It
I live in Franklin, TN. It is a very churched town. There are big churches and small churches. There are seeker-sensitive churches. There are confessional churches. High church. Low church. Mega churches. Family churches. You get the picture. I once heard that Franklin Road has the most churches on it than any other road in…
Should We Try To Get People To Commit To The Church?
What’s happening with church attendance? It’s not our job to get people to commit to the church. It’s our calling to help them commit to Jesus.
Why Church Planters Should Care About Church Membership
I want to focus on just one aspect of how Scripture talks about the church—the images of the church—and consider how these metaphors support and inform our understanding church membership.