I’ve spoken with dozens of people wrestling with a call to be a church planter. The challenges of a church planter are the same almost every time.
6 Marriage Issues We Must All Face
From Vince Miller’s excellent handbook on marriage issues, Men & Marriage, 6 Unspoken Tensions, this excerpt draws these tensions out into the open.
Your Church Can Promote Healthy Marriages 3 Ways
To help you keep the pedal down in this area of discipleship: I’d love to three great ways your church can help promote healthy marriages.
Can Your Marriage Withstand a Major Life Crisis?
When dealing with a major life crisis, let God handle what you and your spouse cannot.
Marriage in an iWorld: Restoring God’s Design for Marriage
God’s design for marriage is at risk: A recent Pew Research study showed that while most Millennials want a loving, lasting relationship like pictured in the movies, only 26 percent—a number less than any other group in known history—are pursuing it through marriage.