Jesus had a plan to put the church—and the spiritual health of all who would come into her—into the hands of radically flawed people.
Eating With Sinners: the Jesus Model
In the gospels, eating with Jesus was surprisingly simple, and a great challenge to church planters today. Surely Jesus believed that prostitutes were sinners, yet he welcomed them to his table. He ate and drank with them.Surely Jesus understood that tax collectors, betrayed their countrymen by helping the brutal Roman occupiers in his homeland, yet…
Friend of Sinners, No Friend to Sin
It’s an everyday observation now: Jesus was a friend to sinners. I read or hear it nearly everywhere I turn—so much, in fact, I wonder if we’ve thought it through completely. Let’s give it a try today: One of the most amazing (and challenging) things about Jesus is he's a friend of sinners, but no…