Long-distance runners Abel Mutai and Ivan Fernandez have a heart-warming story that’s and a great reminder that integrity still matters.
Redeeming Pastoral Ambition
The Art of Giving
How to Recognize Gifts at Christmas – And Beyond
All the gift really requires—all any one is really looking for—is a genuine “Thank you,” that we recognize gifts.
Christmas Preaching – 5 Sermon Starters
Sometimes all it takes is one key phrase to spark an entire sermon. Christmas preaching is no different. This year, try looking at the phrases you might be tempted to skip over—there might be enough material to ignite all of your Christmas preaching in just one passage. Take Luke’s famous account of the annunciation: In…
Thanksgiving and the Will of God: Why Give Thanks?
Thanksgiving posts always seem to sound like such a scolding: we ought to give thanks. Think about all the things you have and all other people who have nothing. There, now: give thanks. Don’t concentrate on what is missing, be grateful for what you have. There, now: give thanks. Ungrateful people are losers. There,…