I’m fascinated as I watch folks using technology across the social spectrum. I see folks at the airport fumbling with getting their boarding pass on their phone, I see folks at the checkout line trying to use Apple Pay, I see folks at the gas station trying to get the pump to accept their payment…
Free Download: Ministry Tech Magazine
MinistryTech Magazine provides you with insights into the best church software, social media tools, giving management tools and worship resources to enable your church to advance the gospel of Jesus in these techy times.
No Matter the Tech Channel, We Need to Communicate Clearly
No matter the tech channel, we need to communicate clearly. Here are three strategic characteristics that will help your marketing be successful no matter what tools you use.
Planters Need to Know the 6 Laws of Tech
Many of our technology-related problems arise because of the unforeseen consequences when apparently benign technologies are employed on a massive scale.