The Ecumenical Councils were the battleground where the nature of God was determined and the foundation of Christianity as we now know it was laid.
My Left Foot Has Been To Nepal (And Other Ministry Lessons)
The following is an excerpt from an upcoming book by Kurt Bubna - Uncommon Hope: The Path to an Epic Life. A year or so after my first trip to Nepal, I took a second, and this time with a small team from my church. We felt led to go to the rural communities outside…
Book Excerpt: “Renew, A Missional Movement for the None, Done, and Undone”
The following is a book excerpt from Bob Butler’s latest work, “RENEW: A Missional Movement for the None, Done, and Undone.”
Can Your Marriage Withstand a Major Life Crisis?
When dealing with a major life crisis, let God handle what you and your spouse cannot.
Church Planting Strategy—Does Our Obedience Guarantee Success?
This excerpt from Howard Foltz’s “Power Shifts: 5 Forgotten Strategies for Expanding God’s Kingdom” deals mostly with missionaries, but the lessons presented are worth discussion with respect to church planting strategy as well.
Marriage in an iWorld: Restoring God’s Design for Marriage
God’s design for marriage is at risk: A recent Pew Research study showed that while most Millennials want a loving, lasting relationship like pictured in the movies, only 26 percent—a number less than any other group in known history—are pursuing it through marriage.