Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much. ~ Luke 16:10a
READING: Luke 16:10-12
During college, I was mentored through our campus ministry program, with the goal in mind that I would mentor others. I was taught to look for people who were F.A.T. (Faithful, Available and Teachable). In general, that goofy little acrostic has been a handy guide. I have never had the time in any of our church plants to mentor all the women who needed mentoring. It’s wise to devote energy on those with the most potential for fruit, and those most likely to become fellow mentors.
As I have looked for women to mentor, the F.A.T. guideline has helped me to spot young women who seem receptive to one-on-one discipleship or other kinds of leadership development. I’ve observed how they handle a small responsibility, whether they follow through on simple commitments like the promise to attend a meeting or bake cookies, and whether they’re open to suggestion or godly instruction.
I confess that I’ve battled a carnal desire to invest most heavily in the women I personally like. It has been a good discipline to learn not to run after the candidates I’d prefer, but rather to prayerfully wait and allow potential “mentorees” to prove themselves by demonstrating their faithfulness and commitment.
I appreciate so much the faithful ones who poured themselves into my life back in college. How privileged we are to keep that holy chain reaction going by finding and investing in a new generation of believers.
Dear Father, Give me grace to focus my best attention on the people You want me to mentor. Amen.
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