. . . then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. ~ Philippians 2:2
READING: Philippians 2:1-11
How many of us have our favorite team, maybe soccer team or American football team? Teams that are united and understand each other play well together and win. It’s fun to watch how each team member does his part, making the team a well oiled machine to win the game.
Oh that it would be so with our church planting teams or church leadership teams! The reality is often that we are a bunch of talented people with personal ambitions and character faults that clash and never really mesh together. Our past unresolved issues drive our present actions in self defense and ambition. It’s an established fact in mission circles that interpersonal relationship problems are the number one reason teams fail or people leave the team. So we must learn to get along.
Are you an asset to your team or a liability? Does your input contribute toward the corporate goal or does it further your personal ambition for more leadership recognition or position? Paul urges us to be of like mind with Christ and his goals for the church plant.
Our minds should be on the lives of the people that we are there to reach for Him. We should be of one accord, one mind, having the same love for souls. We should strive to be a useful part of the team, doing our part for the greater good of the team, not for our own vain glory, but rather esteeming others as better than ourselves. Jesus humbled himself and became obedient.
Are you a humble obedient servant on your team, toward your mentor and toward those you wish to win for Christ?
Heavenly Father, Show me any attitudes that hinder my team’s efforts and mold me into a useful team member. Amen.
Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI) “Equips Leaders to Plant 5 Million Churches Worldwide.” Learn more