If [his spiritual gift] is leadership, let him govern diligently . . . ~ Romans 12:8
READING: Romans 12:1-8
What capability does a church planter need more than any other? My answer would be: LEADERSHIP.
A church planter must be a leader of other people if he is to establish a single cell church. He must be a person that people are willing to follow. A single cell church is one composed of thirty to eighty people in which everyone knows everyone else. However, if he wants to establish a church that grows beyond a single cell, a church planter must be a leader of other leaders.
Leadership is a spiritual gift. Some people are just gifted by God to lead others. Leadership is also a multi-faceted set of skills and attitudes that can be learned. If you are in a position of overseeing others, you need to learn to guide them effectively whether or not you are a talented leader.
The top Christian leadership teacher in the United States is John Maxwell. He offers many resources to empower leaders, including The Maxwell Leadership Bible. This study Bible is filled with hundreds of biblical leadership lessons that flow out of the Word of God. It’s a wonderful resource. To become a better leader, I use this Bible in my personal devotions. I am using it to mentor my son, Brandon, in leadership. I use the Maxwell Leadership Bible to train my staff in leadership every Monday morning.
Whether you are a gifted or not-so-gifted leader, you can learn to direct your ministry more effectively. This is a lifelong process. Make a resolution: I will learn to become a better leader, starting today. And then, take action!
Lord, Help me to be a good leader to your glory. Amen.