Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of [children]. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate. ~ Psalm 127:5
READING: Psalms 127
Church planter’s children must be a positive part of the church plant or they may become a casualty of it. Many times our hard work for God in church planting can be perceived as abandonment or rejection of our children when we don’t have their needs in mind. They feel like we don’t give them quality time so they feel rejection. They will try to cope by spending more time with friends. They may begin to hate the church or anything to do with it for taking away their parents.
In our church planting, we travel away from the central church to plant churches along the rivers. One time our teenage daughters told us they didn’t want to go with us this time because they missed all their youth activities at church. It was a crucial moment in our family life but God gave us wisdom. Instead of not taking only our family members on the trips, we let them invite some friends, too. They became involved in the outreaches. What a blessing that decision has been!
Our children and their friends do most of the evangelism with dramas, children’s ministry, music and one-on-one evangelism. They are rewarded with the joy of leading people to Christ on trips as well as at home. They caught God’s heart for the lost. We saved our family unity and gained powerful co-laborers in the harvest.
How do your children view your ministry? How can you help them catch your vision and passion for souls and church planting?
Thank you for my children, Heavenly Father. They are a blessing that you have given to us. Give us wisdom as to how we can help them catch your vision for the lost. Amen.
Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI) “Equips Leaders to Plant 5 Million Churches Worldwide.” Learn more